Hi! It’s been ages since I’ve written anything, so if I’m a bit rusty, please have patience. I spent quite some time deliberating on what to write this post about, I wrote three separate posts before this one and ended up deleting them all half way through. So then, I decided to write about the post itself, or rather why I’m coming back to writing after all this time.
My life has recently come to a point where I have the drive to write again. I have worked on the self-esteem and anxiety issues that lead me to stop writing in the first place. The fears that I would be harshly judged or that I would fail in some way (even though I was doing this for fun), that sort of fun thing. On top of having dealt with my anxiety, my mental illnesses were ‘re-diagnosed’ so to speak. I was misdiagnosed, not due to carelessness or anything of the like, but simply because the medical community knew little to nothing about dealing with traumatic brain injury (that’s still the case), especially in young teens. So, I was being treated for way more than my anxiety, PTSD, and mild depression.
I was diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses right before and right after I turned 18. This might not sound like a good thing but it was for me, as I desperately needed treatment that I wasn’t getting. I have now had a laparoscopy for my endometriosis, as well as finding a birth control that somewhat suppresses my Endometriosis. I have also been able to get physical therapy for both my pelvic floor dysfunction and my hyper-mobile joints. Best of all, my fibromyalgia is now being treated, and in the last month or so, my rheumatologist and I finally found a medication that is actually helping me.
All of that to say some good and not so good things have happened to me in the past few years that have put me in the right place physically and mentally to create again. In the last two weeks, despite a mild bout of depression, I have started: painting, writing, reading, photographing, going to the gym, and walking again. Granted I was doing some of these things before two weeks ago, but only when I had to. My fibro improved enough around a month ago to be doing more things, but I was in a car accident (which gave me a back injury and a concussion) and I moved house, so I’ve just now had time to do things that I love again.
If you take nothing else away from this post, please leave here today knowing that as cheesy as it sounds; things ALWAYS get better. So go to that fifth doctor to find out what’s wrong, face your fears, and seek help from friends or professionals, because with the right tools you can improve any situation.
I’m very excited to start blogging again, and hope that you choose to follow me on my adventures in life. There should be a new post on Tuesday, so check back then or follow me on Facebook.
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