Step one: I went to a part of the farm that has lots of beautiful fragrant flowers. I cut several varieties of daffodils at the base of the flower's stem, and ended up with around two dozen of those. I also cut all of the dead flowers off the plants and used a few of those that were in good enough shape to be dried.
Step two: I cleaned any dirt off the flowers, and cut the flower itself off of the stem. This is where everyone does something a little different I only pull the petals off of the flowers that were already dead when I picked them, the rest of the flowers I dry whole.
Step three: Then I placed the flowers on the trays and put them on the dehydrator. I left them in for two hours at 145 degrees. At that point they were as dry as I wanted them to be.
Step four: Add any desired essential oils, I plan to add lavender to mine. Then put your homemade potpourri in desired bags or containers and enjoy.
I found this project relatively simple and it only requires about 45 minutes of hands on work. I did this project about four years ago and the flowers still have a lovely scent. What are some of your newest projects? I would love any feedback, because I plan to make this a semimonthly post.