23 September, 2013

Coping Skills A to Z Part One

Here is an A to Z list of coping skills. This is something I had to do in therapy once and it was actually pretty helpful, but I lost the list, so I thought I'd do it again and share it with you guys. This can be good even if you're just bored or having a hard time with something else; it doesn't have to be depression, anxiety, self harm, etc. 

Alphabetize: This might seem silly, but I find that this is not only calming, but that during dark times when I feel like doing nothing and I feel worthless that this gives me something productive to do and gives me a sense of worth, so sort through and alphabetize those books,movies,etc.

Bake: I love to bake when I'm having a normal mood or an elevated mood. It takes some doing to make myself bake when depressed, but it really lifts my spirits, especially if I can give away the baked goods to someone else. Again this is something that gives me a sense of self confidence and self worth.

Call a helpline: There are loads of them in every country for everything one would need a help line for; you just need to google for the specific type you're looking for (this itself can be a coping skill). I'll list some here; I suggest you write these in your journal. National Hopeline Network 1.800.SUICIDE (784-2433), National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  1.800.273.TALK (273-8255) For hearing and speech impaired with TTY equipment  ::  1.800.799.4TTY (779-4889) EspaƱol  ::  1.888.628.9454, National Child Abuse Hotline  ::  1.800.4.A.CHILD (422-4453), National Domestic Violence Hotline  ::  1.800.799.SAFE (799-7233), Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)  ::  1.800.656.HOPE (656-4673), and kuto 1.888.644.KUTO (5886).

Drink a cup of hot tea. 
Eat a well rounded meal. This only works at meal times, but it's often a temptation to not eat or to eat junk when we are very depressed, manic, or hypomanic, anxious, etc., so eating a well rounded meal is actually a very good coping skill.
Flower gardens: I personally love flower gardens and find them very therapeutic. Take photos of a flower garden, walk around one, or plant one.
Go somewhere. If you are self-injuring or have depression, you know they are isolating diseases. One of the the best ways to combat this is to go out to the zoo, park, museum, etc. Try to avoid shopping and spending more than about $20 while very emotional. Or if you really want to spend money, consult a trusted person or take them with you. 
Have a nice chat with a friend or family member.  These relationships tend to suffer when in the throws of anxiety, depression, self-injury, maina; even just normal life. 
Next tuesday's post will be I-Z! Let me know if any of these work for you. 

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