29 June, 2013

Spring Goal Review

Well I have completed most of my goals and the ones I have not completed, I still intend to complete asap. Some of these (the art class one) are prime examples of don't make many goals that require more than $20 and gas (that's just my rule, anyone can make it more or less than twenty dollars). The other goals went uncompleted due to laziness and lack of time.

Read 8 Books:  I completed this goal! I read Affirmation Poetry, Frankenstein and several other awesome books!

Plant my Flower garden: I kind of completed this goal. I didn't plant as many flowers as normal nor did I plant my flowers from seed, but I did plant flowers, so goal halfway completed. 

Press Some Flowers: This has been 100% successful goal!  I pressed about a dozen flowers.

Start a Scrap Book: I have without a doubt completed this goal! I've filled nearly an entire scrapbook with pictures, poems, quotes, and mementos. 

Take an Art Class: This is a goal I hope to complete this winter, since I was not able to take one during the spring.

Start a Blog: Well I have clearly managed this and I seem to be starting to gain a decently sized audience.

Finish getting my Driving Hours: I completed this goal with extra hours and successfully got my licence!

Volunteer at the Animal Shelter: I have done volunteer work, but not at the animal shelter, though I plan to drop my application off there this week. 

Go to Five Local Places I've Never Been To: I successfully did this, if you include places I haven't been to in forever, but sadly, I didn't legitimately complete this one .

P.S. I haven't posted yet this week, because I had a lot going on healthwise. 

1 comment:

  1. I like that you are setting and completing (well, mostly) goals. How about a goal to get your family to Texas? Just sayin'. Jacque
