The Road Of Recovery: I have started seeing an art therapist, as well as a new psychiatrist, both things are going really well! I discovered two new helpful websites Scar Tissue and Bipolar Burble both are great and as always twloha is encouraging me. I found two awesome mood charts I'm trying to decide which one I like better chart one , chart two.
What I'm Reading: I just finished Frankenstein. I'm currently reading Mockingjay, this has been just as good as the other books in the "Hunger Games" trilogy. The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression, this book contains the most accurate descriptions of how depression feels and what it is, I have ever read. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to know more about depression.
What I'm watching: Season 6 of Supernatural, this honestly hasn't been my favorite season so far, but with that said, it's still amazing and a must watch for any fan of horror/drama because special effects are amazing . BBC's Robin Hood series 1, we just finished the second episode and are hooked!
What I'm Listening To: Anything Mumford and Sons, Jake Bugg's Lightning Bolt, and La Santa Cecilia's Monedita .
Things Making Me Smile: Cats that don't understand why i cant scratch their ears 24/7.
Wet & Wild's disturbia, nail polish. Baby Animals. And mostly nice weather.
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