20 March, 2013

Pictures From my Trip to the Zoo

My mom and I decided to make a trip over to the zoo yesterday, it was a perfect day for it, not too crowded and surprisingly warm.  A nice reprieve from the miserable "winter" weather and being trapped indoors all the time.  I'm so happy that we went over yesterday because it's snowing today, not the perfect first day of spring I was hoping for. 
I thought these penguins swimming together were so sweet.
An owl in the bird house that "posed" perfectly for me.
My favorite picture of the day.
These guys gave us a great show. they were one of the more entertaining animals.
I wish this picture showed how beautiful these toucans are they looked fake they are so pretty.
This fellow was simply majestic standing so perfectly in the sun.
I was really excited that she was up and moving as all the other big cats were bathing in the sun.
These zebras were so full of life it was wonderful getting to watch them run and play.
He was the first animal we saw when we got there.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT photos. I'll share with you a tip a teacher once shared with me when I took a photography class years ago. And I don't follow the advice nearly enough myself. But he suggested that you not center the subject. That sometimes what is just off to the right or left outside your frame is interesting as well and gives some depth to the subject? I'm drawn to pictures of roads and paths and hallways where you can't quite see what's at the end of it. Leaves it to the imagination. Jane
