26 March, 2013

It snowed here all day Sunday. We ended up getting  around six inches and we got another inch Monday,  although by around four a lot of it had melted.  These are a few of the pictures I got  first thing Monday morning. I also took a roll of pictures on my film camera.
 The pond in front of my house, always looks amazing in the snow.
 This is a farm near ours that I think looked pretty awesome in this picture.
 I love old buildings that look like they could fall down any day now. You can't see it that well in the picture but this barn is leaning as if it could just fall on it's side any minute.
 This lovely little church is in Fults, the closest town to my house, not that it really has more than a post office and church.
 I think that the distant factory (if that's what it is) in this picture is actually  across the Mississippi river and in Missouri . I love everything about this picture.
Living on top of these bluffs is a bit like living in the mountains, it's lovely. I took this in the bottoms (the area below the bluff). I think the bluffs are beautiful this time of the year.
 I took this and the next two photos at the local cemetery.
         This is my favorite picture of the day.

This head stone was perfectly covered in snow.

I hope y'all have an awesome Tuesday.  Is any one else getting worse weather now than they had when it was actually winter?

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I love the pictures. Your style is just right. I think you've got an eye for this! Jane.
