24 July, 2013

Today I Realized

I recently won third place for this in the county fair I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Today I Realized

Today I realized that I have to learn how to live,
Today I realized that this is okay with me,
For better to learn how to live at 16,
Than to live in the darkness of drugs, alcohol, depression, or self injury.
Today I realized I’m not just a number or another statistic,
Today I realized I am human.
Today I realized that honesty is better,
Today I realized words will hurt me,
Today I realized that is not okay.
Today I realized that my past will define my future,
But will NEVER condemn it.
Today I realized that pain is really just a blessing in disguise,
Today I learned that today I realized.

By Lauren Joyner

09 July, 2013

Organizational Stuff

Organizing is by far one of my favorite things to do, so I thought it would be fun to share some project links and some links for epic organization apps/websites.

Epic sites and apps:
Springpad:  This is an amazing site for lists, to write reviews for things, compile your favorite photos etc.  My Springpad is ljoyner97.

Catch: Is a great place to keep lists and ideas, it is easy to use and a very well organized app/website.

Goodreads: Is a fabulous way to organize and keep track of what books you have read and what books you want to read. I am in love with this site!  My goodreads: Batgirl.

Awesome project: cornflower blue studio: diy rotating goal list

Sorry for the short post guys, I honestly thought I had more to write on the subject.

05 July, 2013

LIfe Recently

Wow, the past few weeks have been insane!  First off, I was in the hospital for four days last week for a medication adjustment. This week, I had food poisoning on Monday, then was in a minor car accident on Tuesday! That's why I haven't posted much the last four weeks or so.  Leading up to my medication change, I didn't feel much like writing.  I am very happy to report that my medication is now correct (woo!!!!!).

Several people have been asking for my Facebook and better ways to follow this blog.  I am on Bloglovin and that's probably the best way to follow me. Facebook is another excellent way to keep up with this blog, but also with how I am doing.  I would encourage you to friend me on Facebook and follow me on Bloglovin.  Now for the fun bit!

What I am Reading: Alice in Deadland, this is a lovely version of Alice in wonderland with zombies! Not only does this amazing book have zombies, but it has zombies that do a lot more than a normal zombie would. I definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes zombies and/or political books.

What I am Watching:  BBC's Waking the Dead is about a cold case team. 

What I'm Listening to: Van Halen's 1984 album. Mariana's Trench by August Burns Red. 

Things Making me Smile: Summertime weather, houseplants, and makeup. 

04 July, 2013

16 Before 17

I've been wanting to make one of these lists since I turned 16 in April and well it's July and I've finally gotten to it!  I'm  super excited to start working on this list. I'm most excited about number two. I've already been doing this and it's super fun. As well as an excellent way to become more comfortable with being alone, it just makes you enjoy your own company.

1) Enjoy having my licence and take advantage of that as much as possible.

2) Date myself; take myself on as many dates as possible.

3) Go electronics free for 48 hours.

4) Get a job making more money.

5) Write a kind loving letter to myself to read in 5 years on my birthday.

6) Pull a FUN all nighter, and sleep all day the next day.

7) Eat an entire dozen glazed doughnuts.

8) Save $500 dollars.

9) Attempt to make sushi.

10) Go to Six Flags.

11) Do water aerobics with the older folks at the Y.

12) Go to a concert.

13) Play kid's board games all afternoon.

14) Have a marathon of kid's movies.

15) Learn how to grill a pizza.

16) Run a 5K.